My sole purpose in working with solicitors is to make their life easier when it comes to attracting new clients. This is why Live Chat For Solicitors websites is absolutely vital. Quite simply, it delivers more client enquiries to you from the people who are already finding your website.
The fact that it also does this without any work by the solicitor makes it even more compatible with my ‘easy life client attraction’ philosophy for my clients.
Why Live Chat For Solicitors Works
First, let me explain why live chat produces more enquiries when placed on a law firm website:
- It provides a form of interaction on a website which is not there when the only option is a contact form or a telephone number.
- It allows your prospect to ask a question that is on their mind instead of hitting the back button in their browser to move away from your website.
- It allows them to speak with a REAL PERSON, because the live chat service that I recommend answers your visitors questions using human based, UK employees, 24 hours a day if you choose that option. Good law firms do not go anywhere near chat bots because they know that they frustrate their audience! That is not the start you want in a potential new client relationship.
- It shows that you are a far more innovative law firm than many of your competitors.
- It wins you more clients than if you do not have it.
- It pays for itself over and over again!
The Live Chat service that I recommend is a completely done for you service and, more importantly, allows you to try it for 14 days completely free of charge, so you can see how well it works for yourself without any risk.
To discover more, simply click the link below and I will introduce you (no cost, no risk):
Simply click here to email me for an introduction:>>